Serbia @ CERN

Number of CERN users

34 (October 2019)

Participation in CERN Experiments


WLCG Participation

Collaborating Institutes

° University of Belgrade
1. Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences,
2. Institute of Physics
3. Faculty of Physics

° University of Novi Sad
1. Faculty of Sciences

Republic of Serbia became CERN's 23rd Member State on 24 March 2019, and the ceremony of the flag rising took place on 11 April 2019. Republic of Serbia has been an Associate Member since 15 March 2012. Priviously, it was also part of CERN as part of Yugoslavia, which was one of the 12 founding Member States of CERN in 1954.

At the moment, there are four scientific institutions from Serbia which actively participate in projects and experiments at CERN:

The teams of researchers and specialists from these Serbian institutions are involved in the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC, as well as in the ACE and NA61 experiments. The teams of Serbian researchers are also active in the nuclear physics experiments at the ISOLDE facility, and in the GRID computing project.
